Emergency Communication
Trygg’s Mass Alert System [MAS] is an essential emergency communication tool, which allows organisations to reach, inform and locate their staff should a critical event occur. It enables them to connect and inform their entire organisation during an emergency within seconds.
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Real-time Alerts
The MAS sends real-time alerts and customisable instructions to groups and individuals during critical events such as natural or man-made disasters, pandemic outbreaks, and public disturbances.
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Maximum Coverage
The MAS facilitates two-way communication using the Trygg app as well as SMS and email to give maximum coverage as quickly as possible. This cuts down the time it takes to account for staff who may be at risk, allowing organisations to focus on those who may need support.
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Use Case
A multinational mining company deploys the Trygg App on smartphone devices to monitor and protect their staff around the world, particularly when travelling for work.
A major explosion occurs in the capital of a country where a Trygg client has both a local office and visiting international staff, causing casualties and widespread damage to properties in the blast radius. The disaster was hard to predict, being caused by a fire spreading to the roof of a warehouse where ammonium nitrate was stored.
It was critical for the client to locate and ensure the safety of their travelling and local employees within the area as soon as possible.
When initial reports of the fire were only starting to circulate in the news and on social media, one of the client’s employees reported this event as an incident on the Trygg App via their smartphone. Upon notification of this incident, the client used the Mass Alert System to inform all the staff members in the country to avoid the area and establish which staff may be at risk based on their last reported location.
All employees within the affected area were immediately able to confirm their current status using the Trygg Mobile App and, based on the advice of their colleagues managing the oversight dashboard, they moved away from the fire, avoiding the blast radius of the subsequent explosion.
Trygg’s location sharing technology helped track the location of staff in real-time, and the client was able to establish which employees were not in the area and which might need support based on their location.
Not only did Trygg enable the client to locate their staff members, but also ensured they could inform staff about the fire (and the explosion) using Trygg’s Mass Alert System, sharing crucial, relevant details like the exact location of the fire and of suggested safe areas.
By embedding the Trygg system into their staff safety and critical event management processes, the client was able to successfully locate, monitor and communicate with all staff in and around the affected area, allowing them to respond faster and make more informed decisions.
- Industry: Mining
- Location: International
- App Users: 50
- Use Case: Incident Reporting & Mass Alert System

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